Our goal is to help connect students all over campus with the resources they need for future development through seminars, industry outings and informal gatherings. Students from every discipline are encouraged and welcome to help shape this newly reformed organization! You need not even be a member of SPIE.
Our group’s membership is comprised of students and faculty from Astronomy, Biomedical Engineering, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Physics, Medical Physics, Biochemistry, Chemistry and Engineering Mechanics and Aeronautics with an interest in optics and photonics.
Please forward any questions, comments, suggestions to spie.optica.uw@gmail.com.
Optics at UW
If you think we are missing some SPIE-related campus resources from this page, please contact us via spie.optica.uw at gmail dot com.
Optical Instrumentation Researchers at the UW-Madison
- Matt Bershady, Professor Astronomy, astronomical instrumentation, spectroscopy
- Dan Botez, Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering, fabrication of photonic devices
- Weibo Cai, Asst. Professor Medical Physics and Radiology, multimodality optical imaging
- Paul Campagnola, Assoc. Professor Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics, nonlinear optics
- Sylvia Cavagnero, Assoc. Professor of Chemistry, fluorescence
- Fleming Crim, Professor Chemistry, UV-VIS-IR
- Daniel Denhartog, senior scientist Physics, high energy lasers
- Kevin Eliceiri, Director, Laboratory for Optical and Computational Instrumentation, nonlinear optics and optic image analysis
- Jaal Ghandi, Professor Mechanical Engineering, visible and ultraviolet pulsed lasers
- Hongrui Jiang, Assoc. Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering, micro-optics
- Mikhail Kats, Assoc. Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering, nanoscale optical structure, thermal emission, thin film optics
- Frank Keutsch, Asst. Professor, Chemistry, ultraviolet fiber laser
- Jim Lawler, Professor Physics, ultraviolet spectroscopic instrumentation
- Jack Ma, Assoc. Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering, silicon nanophotonics
- Rob Marsland, lecturer Electrical and Computer Engineering, high-speed photoreceivers
- Luke Mawst, Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering, fabrication of photonic devices
- Leon McCaughan, Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering THz generation from near-IR
- Ed Mierkiewicz, Assoc. Scientist Astronomy, interference spectroscopy
- Marshall Onellion, Professor Physics, Ultrafast Optics
- Fred Roesler, Professor Emeritus Physics, optical remote sensing, interference spectroscopy
- Dave Rothamer, Asst. Professor Mechanical Engineering, visible and ultraviolet pulsed lasers
- Mark Saffman, Professor Physics, quantum optics, nonlinear optics
- Scott Sanders, Assoc. Professor Mechanical Engineering, near-infrared absorption spectroscopy
- David Schwartz, Professor Chemistry and Genetics, fluorescence instrumentation for optical mapping
- Andy Sheinis, Assistant Professor Astronomy, Astronomic instrumentation
- Thad Walker, Professor Physics, Optical Traps
- Jim Weisshaar, Professor Chemistry, quantitative microscopy
- Marsha Wolf, Asst. Scientist Astronomy, astronomical instrumentation, spectroscopy
- John Wright, Professor Chemistry, ultrafast lasers
- Deniz Yavuz, Asst. Professor Physics, quantum, nonlinear, and ultrafast optics
- Martin Zanni, Assoc. Professor Chemistry, ultrafast lasers
- Filiz Yesilkoy, Assoc. Professor, Biomedical Engineering, optical biochemical nanosensors, molecular identification and imaging systems
- Zongfu Yu, Assoc. Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering, visual perception, sustainability and energy
Optics Classes
A list of optics and imaging related classes on campus. Please contact us if you know some classes that should be here but are not.
Fall 2023 Courses
- Physics 625 - Applied Optics
- ECE 219 - Analytical Methods for Electromagnetics Engineering
- ECE 313 - Optoelectronics Lab
- ECE 536 - Integrated Optics and Optoelectronics
Optics Courses at UW Madison
- Physics 325 - Optics
- Physics 625 - Applied Optics
- BME 530 - Medical Imaging Systems
- ECE 219 - Analytical Methods for Electromagnetics Engineering
- ECE 313 - Optoelectronics Lab
- ECE 420 - Electromagnetic Wave Transission
- ECE 434 - Photonics
- ECE 536 - Integrated Optics and Optoelectronics
- ECE 741 - Semiconductor Diode Lasers and Other Optoelectronic Devices
- ECE 742 - Computational Methods in Electromagnetics
- ECE 747 - Nanophotonics
Chapter Bylaws
We have adopted the SPIE/Optica’s standard bylaws; by participating in this student organization you agree to abide by these:
SPIE Bylaws
Optica Bylaws
Follow us on Twitter
Questions about our chapter? Please contact us at: spie.optica.uw@gmail.com